Doggyland Daycare and Boarding


Yes! Our doggy daycare in Spokane Valley, WA offers dogs the freedom to go outside anytime they please. All 5 play yards have a dog door with access to a separate yard outside. Your dog will never be stuck outside all day in the harsh weather, nor will they ever be stuck inside all day. At Doggyland, the dogs truly have free roam to go in and outside.

We are one of the only major daycares in the area that does a group nap time. Most of the dogs are so exhausted from playing and are happy to nap. Just like home, your dog will lay down when you lay down.  Dogs are pack animals so it’s natural for them to want to sleep together.  During nap time, we have a bed that we lay on with the small dogs.  The remaining dogs are separated by groups in the adjoining nap areas.  Some do not feel like napping the whole time and are let out to play in a separate supervised adjoining area. No dog is forced to nap in a kennel or chained to a wall. Nap time is a special time at Doggyland.  Most dogs are quite content cuddling as a pack.

At Doggyland prevention is the key. We are very careful during the trial day and watch for any signs of aggression. All dogs must pass a strict social test. We have zero tolerance for aggression. We are very selective of the dogs we take. The dogs that are boarding must also pass a trial day. The boarding dogs play with the day care dogs during their stay. Doggyland is supposed to be a happy land. If we see your dog isn’t having a good time after repeated visits, we will let you know.

We have bowls, beds and bedding. We do encourage you to bring a blanket of their own though. Even their own bed, if that is what makes them feel comfortable. Having something that smells like home makes them feel as if they have their own special spot at night. We are kennel free, but if your dog is used to sleeping in their kennel, you are welcome to bring that also.

We also ask you bring their own food. It does not have to be individually bagged. We can measure it out for you. If they have a finicky appetite, we offer free parmesan cheese sprinkles. You can bring their toys and treats.  For safety reasons, we ask that you do not provide rawhides, real bones, rope toys or any other toys that they can chew up and choke on. You can also bring a kong and a jar of peanut butter. We will stuff the kong with peanut butter each night for your dog.

We do give medications to dogs per your instructions.  We can not accept dogs who need insulin shots. We recommend you dog board at a vet for this as they should be monitored. We also ask that dogs and cats 10 and over be approved before boarding. We are more than happy to accommodate older dogs and cats, we just need to make sure that their special needs are met before booking a boarding reservation!

The dogs are never, ever, left unsupervised in the daycare, during nap time, or during a Sleepover.  When boarding on the slower nights (when we do not have Sleepovers) dogs are put into individual “Suites”.  They are so exhausted from playing all day, most will pass out fairly quick.  We have an alarm system and a fire detection alarm system that will immediately notify the Owner, Manager and Assistant Manager. Contact us to schedule your four-legged friend’s visit today!